Friday, 1 August 2014

Are Impact Dot Matrix Printers still available?

It's not surprising that most portable and panel mounted printer applications use direct thermal print technology these days. Thermal is much faster, more reliable, silent in operation and easier to maintain. Thanks to their popularity, thermal printers are now cheaper than their impact dot matrix counterparts and running costs are about the same.
Despite this, there are still applications that demand impact printing. Whether by legislation or personal choice, impact printout is still better for long term archiving and is the best solution for printing multi-ply copies.
Unfortunately, more and more manufacturers are abandoning impact technology to concentrate all of their resources on state of the art technologies.
However, M-Tech Printers distribute for Mylox Technologies Inc. who are not only at the forefront of modern printer design, but are also committed to continue supporting their partners and friends who still require dot matrix output.
If your supplier is pulling the plug on impact printers then talk to us today.
We still continue to offer impact versions of our portable (MLX-8200 series) and panel mounted (MLX-2200 series) printers as well as stocking a wide range of the 'classic' Epson miniprinter mechanisms.
For details of our impact dot matrix panel printers see; or .
For portable/desktop printers see;